Recently one of Buga’s friends had a “Construction” themed birthday party. I always try to include her in the process of thinking about what someone else would like as a present (a task difficult for 3-year-olds); “writing” or drawing in birthday, thank you, and thinking of you cards, as well as baking special occasion cakes. Because her friends loves anything with wheels and engine sounds, I thought it would be fun to make the wrapping paper using toy cars as our “paint brushes” so the tire tracks would be strune about the paper. Buga loved this action art project….car sounds and all. I enjoyed getting outside on a beautiful almost-summer-day to play art with her.
The paints are all ready to go.
Thankfully Grandma didn’t mind us using the cars and trucks from the bin.
“Go for it. I don’t care if paint gets on them” she reassures me
when I suggest the paint might not come off the wheels.
I love how supportive she is of my crazy art projects –
I try to hone in on this spirit whenever I need to be less OCD.
Buga getting her car engines ready.
Different car tires make different tire marks….interesting concept.
Thin. Thick. Long. Short.

Here is some of her handiwork

And here is our parcel, all packaged up – What’s inside?
Automoblox! (Cars that come apart so you can put them back together).